Friday, February 3, 2012

Jack Frost is pounding on the door

Most of you in the US have probably heard about the snowstorm that's hammering Colorado right now. Here's a view of my back deck earlier this morning.

Thankfully, it seems to be letting up a bit.

What do we do when it snows like this? Well, here in my house, we're playing Skylanders and dipping pretzels in chocolate. I'm also brewing some French vanilla coffee for myself, as Husband thinks coffee comes from the Devil's scrotum. School and work were cancelled for Son and Husband, so we're all hanging out in the living room while the children ask repeatedly when it's time for lunch.

I should go take some new pictures of the kittens. They're both too big now for me to feed them holding them in one hand, and we're right at the brink of litter box training and weaning.

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