I made it to my art desk yesterday and actually made something! This is a Bic Round Stick pen, covered in a polymer clay cane I made. The cane has silver leaf in it. Doesn't look too fancy yet, but should look better after I get it sanded and polished.

Anyway, I made it because I was experimenting with canes for the Mardi Gras mask I'm making to send to NYC.
Wait. Have I even mentioned the mask? If not, the short story is that I've been asked to make one to be hung in a Cajun restaurant. Not gonna say which one for fear of jinxing myself (and no, I'm not really superstitious, but still) right now, but if all goes the way it should, I will definitely be back here telling all about it.
The crazy wind the other night left a huge mess in its wake. I live in the suburbs, so half the people out here have trampolines (apparently, they never watch AFV). After the wind storm the other night, half the neighborhood trampolines are missing. The other half are twisted and completely mangled. A tree in the park was blow over from the roots. We tied out porch swing down so it would stop banging into the house like a battering ram.
This afternoon I'll be going over to Son's school to help set up the Book Fair. I worked over there most every day it ran last year, and this year I decided not to. Partly because of two Daughters instead of one, partly because of kittens, and mostly just because I didn't feel up for it. I'm fairly certain that I'll be running the whole thing one of these years, so I'm fine with avoiding it now. I did, however, sign up to work a couple shifts on each night it runs late and I'm signed up to bring Yummies for the cake walk that happens those nights, so that's enough. Am I meeting the PTA Mom quota? I don't know and I don't care. I'm doing what I can without stretching myself past my boundaries.
I started designing my Etsy banner last night, but when I uploaded it, it was all blurry. Of course, I got discouraged and gave up. Not a completely bad idea because I have a better idea of what I really want it to look like now, so I can redo it and get it figured out and not be left with the nagging feeling that I could do better.
Now I'm off to find some lunch. Thanks for stopping by. Tell your friends. They certainly want to read about kitties and art and children too, you know ;)
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